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Soccerplayer Koert Thalen (20) had just finished a tournament when I got to talk to him, and explained the importance to be part of this collection.

He agreed immediately after seeing the website showing the other players who posed before him.

He had his minutes of glory already in the first team of FC Groningen, which is now into European football, and hopes to play more. He brought a friend to the shoot who turned out to be a taekwondo specialist, Stefan Boom (18).

See football and taekwondo.


Marathonspeedskating might become an olympic sport one day, speedskating itself has been olympic for decades and Arno Hendrikse is a typical example for this discipline of wintersport, that is practised preferably outdoors on long distances in The Netherlands, where winters used to be cold, and landscapes wide.

Arno, who just turned 22 and studies economy in Amsterdam, is perfectly built for the sport with his strong upper legs and thighs.

See skating pg 2.


Athletes are perhaps the most relaxed sportsmen to pose for these pages, as they're practising the mother of all sports, originating from ancient Greece. They're never shy about their bodies.

I ran into Sebastiaan Steenberg (21) at a championship earlier this year and he gladly picked up the invitation to do a "body-inventory" on how to look at your best, and his just as eager teammate Erik Teunissen (22) came along. With two other teammates, they once ended in 3rd place in the national dutch relayrace on 4x100m.

See athletics 3 and 4.


To improve their chances on a national title these two rowing teams from Aegir and Gyas joined forces to represent their university.

From the same shoot, in the year 2000, an olympic organisation wanted this photograph to be put in a calendar.

One of the toprowers here is Jan-Willem Gabriëls who won silver in Athens in the 8+. One of his teammembers there was Gerritjan Eggenkamp, a former boatracewinner (2002) studying at Oxford university at the time, here portrayed in 2003, showing his special shirt from the boatrace.

See rowing.


Hans Griffioen, 21, is a speedskater specialized in long distances.

He looks like he could have run away from a medieval painting of some Italian artist,  but in fact he's built for this wintersport with his strong thighs and well developed legs......

See skating pg. 2.


Cyclist Patrick Kos specialized himself on trackracing, but at age 20 now he knows his best days are yet to come; on the road.

This clever young man, speaking 5 languages including Danish, comes from a sportive background.

His looks have brought him in more than one photostudio already, undoubtedly we'll see this sympathetic young talent more often.

See cycling pg 2.

Marko Klok is a great name in volleyball.

As a true Olympian he won a silver medal at the games in Barcelona 1992 with the national team of The Netherlands.

In 1995 he became European Champion beachvolleyball and in 2000 he won the national title of Italy with his team from Scudetto.

Today, at age 38, Marko is still playing at the highest level in Moscow for Fakel Novi Urengoi.

I met him in 2002 for this photoshoot.

See volleyball pg. 2.


As a man of the military, Leon Meijer was used to intensive exercise.

Now, as a physiotherapist at age 32, he keeps fit by training for thriathlon competitions.

Leon's website in progress; www.leonmeijer.com.

See triathlon.



Worldchampion cycling time-trial under-23 Dominique Cornu from Belgium posed for me recently to make a dream come true, as this sympathetic topsportsman confessed. More than one reason to show this 21 year old on these pages where his peers like Thomas Dekker and Theo Bos preceeded him.

Dominique is tall at 1.96m, and his body shows some interesting (rectangled) lines on his back and a long muscleline on his upper legs.

To keep informed about this pro cyclist check his website;


See cycling pg 2.



More athletes.

Glody Dube, 27 here, in 2005, participated in a tour d'Europe as Botswana's best 800m runner. I was introduced to him by Global Sports Communication in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

They're really good in getting athletes to Europe to keep them going, sometimes making money for them in competitions and clinics etc. They're into athletics with heart and soul, and I can recommend them with conviction, having worked with them myself.

That's also how I met Daniël Ward, 21, a 100/200m sprinter, who lives most of the time in El Paso, Texas, and his even talented brother Alex, who was 19 at the time of this photoshoot.

See athletics pg. 3.


Daniël de Wild (22) grew up in the great town of Rotterdam, where this short-distance-runner shows himself against the skyline.



Maarten Kemperman (21) en Bram Rood (21) are members of the same mountainbiketeam and competed with Olympian bikers in Madrid earlier this year where I took these photographs.

See cycling pg 3.

Ron and Ben Klemann are handballplayers and brothers, in topsports you never know what comes first. Ron was 24, Ben 22 at the time of this photoshoot (2004) in a gallery where I was to put up an exhibition later. See handball.

Paul Jans figured on the same exhibition. This talented soccerplayer, then 23, is great to work with, for his looks, but not less for his mentality to win and do things right.

See football.


Some photographs of Milos Drakulic (21) have been posted on the other website, but here's were they really belong.

This Croatian talent of 21 had sparringpartners like Wimbledonwinner Goran Ivanisevic, who happens to be his neighbour on the island of Brac, and also Martina Hingis.

Milos is not shy in front of the camera, as the pictures proof; he's a parttimemodel in Germany and a fan of photography....

See tennis pg1.


Christian Tamminga is one of the best pole vaulters in The Netherlands. He held the national record of 5,76 m for years and after some injuries is back on his way again to practise this precise and sometimes nervewrecking type of sport.

This photoshoot from 2004 took quite some time to get the right positions, and lighting, we tried to be perfect....

See athletics pg3.


Casey Fitzrandolph (31) won a gold medal in 2002 at the Olympics, on the 500m. I met this kind and great athlete from the U.S. in Heerenveen, where, after speaking with KC Boutiette, he was convinced to pose for me, with an original olympic torch from the Torino games of 2006. How olympic can you get....

Skating-page 2.

Another medallist is Mark Veens whom I photographed in 2004 just before Athens, where he won silver in the 4x100 freestyle relayteam, just behind the American team. One of these pictures is on the backside of a calendar, still available here.


An old picture of Christian and Alexander Selk from 2000 has been uploaded as well.

These brothers competed once on worldlevel and were the main faces (if not the only ones) in dutch male-gymnastics during the nineties of the last century.

See gymnastics-pg1.

Fieldhockey-goalie Vincent van de Peppel (22) and his brother Robert (18) posed last year.

See hockey-pg1.



20 new photographs were put on these pages among which one of Alessandro Terrin, just 19 when I portrayed him in Rome last year, where this Venetian born massive athlete practised with the Italian national swimteam who did so well in Budapest at the EC just a few weeks ago.

See; aquatics pg 1 for more.

Furthermore Jordy Hindriks (25), Robert Lathouwers (23) who shed their clothes on a beach near The Hague, causing some fun for passers-by, and Giovanni Codrington (18) all athletes (Track and Field). See athletics pg 2  -  3.

Triathletes from Germany and Austria posed for me near Jena in East-Germany.

Florian Wenk (28) invited me to make a stopover there to meet some interesting die-hards like the Austrian topathlete Hubert Hammerl who, at 34, competes the world over as a professional.

Later in august this ironman will show his power in Korea.

The modest Lars Fricke (24) has been Germany's national champion in duathlon 20-24 yrs class, as well as European champion cross-triathlon (xterra) 20-24 yrs class.

Florian himself has been specialized in cycling but wanted to do more in sports than just that and tries his luck in probably the most exhausting and demanding sport.....

See; triatlon pg 1 for more photographs.

At age 24 Axel Bult is well on his way to improve his life. After meeting him in Madrid where he took part in a Worldcup competition this bright student turned out to be a passionate mountainbike cyclist who was absolutely willing to make it on these pages.
Anyone competing on that level is more than welcome here.

Athletics is the main olympic sport, no wonder that this update introduces 5 topathletes from various countries. Pierre Meintjes is a 19 year old sprinter from South Africa I met at a tournament in The Netherlands.While touring Europe to show his skills as about the fastest sprinter of his country, he found time to pose for me, he's built for the sprint as his thighs unmistakenly show.

Oliver Volkmuth, 24, from Augsburg, Germany was another sportsman to show off his body on the island of Lanzarote last december, where I did some work with various cyclists. This tall 400m hurdles specialist was practising with collegues at the track when I suggested to do a photoshoot and he immediately agreed and he turned out to be a photographer himself, but he's modest about this.

Another, young and promising hurdle specialist is 18 year old Mike van Kruchten. His favourite distance; 110 m. He more than once entered the finals in national tournaments of this popular distance, where he competes easily with more experienced runners, and was the junior-champion last season.

Bob Altena, embarked on a sporting career that only few seem to even dare to think of; the decathlon. In all ten disciplines you need to get the most out of yourself, which, in olympic competition takes three days or more to show. His body, at age 18, is already in a mature shape and, like so many decathletes Bob is easy to photograph since he's trained every part of his body. His personal record stands at 7300 pts.

Simon Vroemen has practised athletics for a long time. At age 36 he seems to be running faster and faster and is now the European recordholder on 3000m steeple in 8.04,95. He finished 5th at the Worldchampionship last year and reached the nr. 6 position at the Olympics in Athens. This tall, but still lightweight runner is perfectly shaped for this discipline, and his cheerful personality must be part of the "secret" of his succes.

Another olympian, bearing a gold (2000) and silver (2004) medal, is fieldhockeyplayer Marten Eikelboom. These photographs date from june 2004, where he had just decided to take part again in the Olympic team at age 30, before stopping his impressive sporting career.
Right he was.
When we met he initially thought I worked for a makeover-tvprogramme but he soon found out he didn't need much of a makeover in the photographs I thought he'd figured best.....makes me proud you posed for me Marten!

Erik Nevland, 27, was announced some time ago, more will follow. This Norwegian soccerplayer is first of all a good sportsman who experienced Manchester United from the inside and helped out FC Groningen last season. His mentality is exactly what people in this town want; a certain modesty and "normal social behaviour". That is probably why he didn't mind me photographing him, while being filmed for a tv-documentary on my work. When we did the nude shots I discovered his right upperleg was hurt badly, in a game against Ajax the day before, that's why you see his left leg only in the undressed picture of this "mirror-double" set of photographs.

Rogier Blink (23) and Sybolt Okke de Vries (27) are rowers and their pictures have been uploaded now.

Andrea Giannini is a pole vaulter from Italy, about the best of his country, and is also into modelingwork.Recently he appeared in a commercial that was broadcasted in more than a few tv-channels, promoting "flexibility" and "money", for an Italian bank.
Before that we worked together in the studio and last april we decided to do a shoot in Tuscany, Italy which is renown for its picturesque scenery in springtime. Andrea (28) is totally at ease with his body, and is wonderful to work with. His pictures are uploaded in the Athletics-section.
You may want to check his own website and leave a message there: www.andreagiannini.com.

Jorn Huiskamp (21, the blond guy) and Mathijs Mast (20) are beachvolleyballplayers, a sport quite apart from indoorvolleyball be it only for reasons of weatherconditions and a sandy floor to play on.Another difference is clear to see in these pages; a suntan is easier to catch outdoors.....
Jorn and Mathijs are members of the Apeldoorn Beach group, giving lessons to all of those interested in improving their beachvolleyballskills. And they're the ones to know how to do that: they attended the Worldchampionships already, but are nevertheless down to earth, friendly and extremely social......like so many volleyballplayers.

Coming up shortly; Erik Nevland, the ex-Manchester-United player, now scoring for FC Groningen.

Over the years, many handballplayers posed for me and some of them are still in competition. The photographs of Patrick Kersten, Martin de Hoop and Michiel Lochtenberg were taken years ago, but each one of them is still succesfully playing.
Patrick is a member of the Volendam-team, Martin de Hoop plays with E&O (Emmen) and Michiel is a fulltime professional on a german team.
The photographs were made when they were in their early twenties.

Quite a few cyclists have posed for these pages lately; Thomas Dekker aged 20 more than just a new talent as he has proven to be a strong climber and therefore a serious asset for the Rabobank team. He's definitely more than just a handsome face and toned body.

Max van Heeswijk 's proven himself on countless occasions and as a US-Postal rider keeps himself in shape more than average.

Tristan Hoffman, 35 years already, is still going strong as he 's shown by finishing second at Paris-Roubaix in 2004 and as an attendant at the Olympics, where Thijs Al took part in the mountainbike competition.

Bas Giling can be mysterious at times but on the road he's a daredevil, quite different from the photographs shown here.
A typical hardworker who let the results count, not the talk.

Marc de Maar would, in my believe, do anything to get in the picture. A very welcome attitude for photographers, and above that he's working hard to complete an ever growing impressive record. This youthful 20 year old is best on hilly roads and one day tours like Hasselt-Spa-Hasselt that he won last year.

Gymnast Yuri van Gelder, 21, flexes his muscles, showing off more than just that....and took away silver at the Worldcupseries in Glasgow just the other week. Check his homepage at "links" for further information on where to see this "Lord of the Rings".

Speedskater Jarno Meijer, 26, shows where he hides his strenght, that should carry him over the finishline faster.

Frank Peeters, 26, still the fastest athlete at 400m hurdles in The Netherlands.

Volleyball-international Wytze Kooistra at 22 measures 2.09 m. and is known for his high-jump bloc-capacity and absolute steadiness. Swimmer Johan Kenkhuis, 25, won bronze (2000) and silver (2004) and counts as one of the fastest 100m freestyle specialists the world has to offer.

Calendar available now!
Only delivered to addresses within The Netherlands.
See for details on how to order (in dutch) and an impression:
www.broeksma.com under "Kalender".

Arnold Kruiswijk, unique left foot defenseplayer with the right mentality for football, Bram Ronnes, beachvolley-specialist with the classic looks and Marko Koers, national recordholder on various distances in athletics still.

Tijs Creemers, badmintoncrack, fighting against windmills.
National team of The Netherlands.
Robin Coppoolse, waterballplayer in his best form.
Sam Oud, canoe, trying the Olympics the first time, showing his formidable shoulders and arms.
Floris Braat, canoe, firsttime olympian as well, with an impressive record.

Skating: Jan Bos (1998+2002), silver medallist 1000 m Nagano
Skating: Erben Wennemars (1998) world champion sprint
Skating: Sebastian Falk

Archery: Wietse van Alten, bronze medallist Sydney 2000.
Volleyball: Bonne Veenstra

Judo: Mark Huizinga, gold medallist -90 kg Sydney 2000
Cycling: Theo Bos, worldchampion under 23 on track, heading for Athens.

"Art in sport"

A calendar showing nude Olympians will be available later in july 2004 and may be purchased here.
Details of its rare content and how to order will follow!

A Photo-exhibition, officially introducing the calendar opens august 4th and will run untill august 29th 2004, in Photogallery "Lichtzone" in Groningen/NL.

Book on sale:

A Photobook containing photographs nude-nonnudes of sportsmen and-women available at http://www.ewoudbroeksma.com.
Have a look inside.

Click on "boek" and you'll see how to order a copy of this book, only containing images of Dutch sportsmen and -women.
You may purchase this book in store

Photogallery LICHTZONE,
address: Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 36,

wed-fri 1200 - 1800 hrs.
sat-sun 1200 - 1700 hrs.